Monday, April 19, 2010

The Social Class Business
In "Who Build the Pyramids" Mike Lefevre describe to us his workings experiences as a steelworker. He explains how frustrated he feels, and how he hates the job he's doing. He thinks or feels that people who do his job should be replaced by machines since the technology is getting so advanced, so he could get to work 20hrs a week, and spend the rest of his time with his family. To him it is horrible to not feel recognised in the society for the work he's doing. He wishes he could take his children or grand children to the places where he used to work just to show them something he contributed to make for the society.
In the movie "Born Rich" it is also about life style, but a way too different type of life style. This time it is about children of the richest people in America (mostly) and Europe. They described to one of their friend how they got to know that they were rich, what their school experiences were like, what are they up to now in life and mostly what do they do to earn leaving.
To theses people, being rich means partying, shopping, not having to worry about money and the people who don't have money to live with. Work ? not necessarily, unless you want to do it as a leisure. They live in a close circle that do not know what are the realities of the people who don't belong to their circle.
There is no connection to me between the actors of "Born Rich" and the one in "Who Built the Pyramids" . They belong two(2) separated classes that almost never meet. When you are born in a working class family, it is very hard then or even impossible to access the very rich class, as these children say it themselves: they don't thing of dating people who are out their circle of friends or lets say social class.


  1. Good observations - I'd think about the last paragraph again - despite the separation of these *people* from one another, do you see connections between the *texts* in terms of what they're saying about social class?

  2. Prof. T. I am going to watch the movie again, and will let you know.
    Meanwhile I would like to catch on the posts.
    See you in class.

  3. Hi Miriami - I'm going to put the movie on reserve in the library, so you can watch it there.

  4. Ok thaks, I may be able to find it online also.
