Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bonus Post: The Most Dangerous Job

I even don't know what to say about Kenny. His attitude goes wayyyy beyond dedication to his job and his company. Kenny gave all he had to these people, his body, mind and life that's how I'll describe it.

He shouldn't disinfect that plant just like his coworkers. That's against the law. Now he is in a big trouble (health related) and no one cares, his coworkers are still probably working for the same company or another one.

I wonder though if Kenny did all these things for this company because he "loves" his job or its because he thinks he couldn't do anything else. In others words he didn't have an option because of his background that lead him to become uneducated.

I still don't understand this type of dedication because I am not willing to do this no matter what. To me there is always another way around. He could have gone back to learning something else, moved to another city, state or I don't know.

Kenny shouldn't be frustrated because he should have known that if the management of this company cared about him he would have seeing it; he should have had a carrier advancement.

I see very few people with a certain level of "dedication" at my work but, I don't think they would go this far. Anyway, in NY companies are more likely to follow the rules, we don't have to worry about things like these. ( at least where I work).


  1. I agree that part of is it that he doesn't think he could do anything else. But I think there was a real pride there, however perverted. We all want meaning, so when we don't have a job that merits it, we try to find it where we can - Ehrenreich says something about this in her conclusion, as well see this week.

    Alas, worker safety is very much an issue in New York, especially in construction sites.

  2. Thank God I am not in that field. I don't have the strength for it, and I need to build some muscle in the meantime if have to do it.
    I don't understand this kind of pride; the one that can make you jeopardise your health...

  3. I think some of this may be gendered - men are often raised to take pride in their ability to suffer silently. In this way sexism often hurts men as well as women.
